0 installation instructions, 0 care of valve prior to installation – Flowserve Cast Flex Wedge Gate Valve User Manual

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Cast Flex Wedge Gate Valves FCD ADENIM0010-02




Receiving Inspection

Upon receipt of the valve, thoroughly inspect it for shipping damage. As a minimum, the following items should be

1. Handwheel and shaft - check for bending or impact damage.
2. Switches and actuating mechanisms – bent or broken parts?
3. Missing or loose bolting?
4. End covers in place?
5. Is valve securely fastened to shipping skid?
6. Abrasion - damaged paint?
7. Are spare parts shipped with valve in place and secure?



Anchor/Darling valves are shipped strapped to wooden skids designed to be moved by forklift. It is recommended
that when being handled prior to installation, the valve be kept on its skids and a forklift truck be used for moving. If an
overhead crane is used, care must be exercised to center the load. The slings should not lift the valve by the wooden
skid structure alone, but must pass under the valve.



Store valves on their shipping skids in a clean dry area protected from weather. Anchor/Darling valves are shipped
without the permanent packing installed. Experience indicates that stem corrosion pitting can result when valves are
stored with the packing in place. For this reason, we do not recommend installing the packing until valve is to be put
in service. The service packing is shipped with the valve, contained in a plastic bag placed in the valve port or
attached to the yoke. If the packing is removed for storage elsewhere, reseal the valve end covers to protect the
internal cleanliness of the valve. Motor actuated valves, if stored for more than a few months, require special care of
the operator. Motor and switch compartment heaters, if supplied, should be connected. The major concern is
condensation on the internal parts of the actuator. For this reason, rapid and/or extreme temperature and humidity
changes should be avoided. Storage in a temperature and humidity controlled environment is desirable. Long-term
storage of motor actuators may affect the terms of the warranty and the manufacturer should be contacted for specific




When lifting the valve for installation in the line, it is important that slings of adequate size be used. The capacity of
the sling must exceed the weight of the valve. Slings should pass under the valve body and through the yoke arms.
Block carefully to prevent damage or abrasion of component parts and finishes.