Flowserve ValveSight Diagnostics User Manual

Page 7

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3.2 Configuring the HART® Modem and Communication DTM

If the modem is a serial port, move onto the next step. The USB modem requires you to install a driver. Note which USB
slot you use. If you use it in a different slot later you must reinstall the driver for the new USB slot.

1. Right click on

My Computer and select Manage

2. Click on

Device Manager and select Ports

3. Note in which port the modem was installed and open it

4. Double click on the FDT Container, which is the M&M Frame to open it. You will see a widow on the right of the screen

called “Device Catalog”. At the bottom of the screen click on Update. This should allow the Frame to identify both the
COMM DTM and the ValveSight DTM.