Flowserve ISC User Manual

Page 11

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ISC Innovative Standard Cartridge Seal - Installation Instructions for Machinery Components

Consult Flowserve for chemical resistance recommendations.

9.2 Do not exceed the recommended maximum pressure and speed limits shown in the

ISC brochure.

9.3 Do not exceed the temperature limits of the ISC. The materials of construction are

listed on the ISC assembly drawing. For dual seals using supply tanks with cooling
coils, turn on cooling water to the supply tank before start-up.

At all running temperatures the product must not come within 0 K of its evapo-
rating point. Should this not be the case during certain situations (e.g. machine
shutdown, start-up) forced circulation or adequate cooling of the supply fluid must
be generated to promote heat removal.

Escaping leakage must not form an explosive mixture.

9.4 Do not start up or run the ISC dry. Buffer/barrier fluid must be in the seal cavity

for dual seals at all times during pump running. Process fluid must be in the pump
volute at all times during single seal running.
For special problems encountered during installation, contact your nearest Flowserve
Sales and Service Representative or Authorized Distributor.


Shut down, disassembly

The equipment can be shut down at any time. Before the mechanical seal can be removed
the equipment and de-pressurized. Barrier pressure (if applicable) must be relieved after
the equipment has been de-pressurized.

Operator must persuade himself before starting disassembling of mechanical seal
that the external of the equipment is cool enough to be handled without risk.

Product may be released during removal of the mechanical seal. Safety measures and pro-
tective clothing may be required as per the plant’s safety regulations.

Dismantling of the mechanical seal is only allowed after machine has been stopped.

Further disassembly of the mechanical seal must be done according to the supplier’s speci-

11. System check

Checking of the system, limits itself to monitoring pressure, temperature, leakage and
consumption of barrier (buffer) fluid, when applicable.



Routine maintenance of the mechanical seal extends to the monitoring of the set
values for pressure, temperature, and leakage quantity.

Maintenance to the mechanical seal is only allowed after machine has been stopped.

The required area for operating the machine or doing maintenance to the mechanical seal

must be easy accessible.

12. Repairs

The ISC Seal is designed to provide reliable operation under a wide range of operating
conditions. However, there will come a time when the seal will fail as it reaches its normal
life expectancy or if it is operated outside of its design capabilities.

This product is a precision sealing device. The design and dimensional tolerances are
critical to seal performance. Only parts supplied by Flowserve should be used to repair this
seal. These parts are available from numerous Flowserve stocking locations. When ordering
replacement parts, refer to the part code and B/M number.

If desired an analysis of the seal can lead to recommendations for improving seal MTBPM.
Observations concerning seal life, operating conditions, and the condition of the seal itself
should be recorded. A spare backup seal should be stocked to reduce equipment down

This seal can normally be reconditioned. When repair is necessary, the centering tabs CT
should be reinstalled and the seal carefully removed from the equipment.

Decontaminate the seal assembly and return it, with centering tabs installed, to
a Flowserve authorized repair facility with an order marked ´Repair or Replace’.
A signed certificate of decontamination must be attached. A Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS) must be enclosed for any product that came in contact with the seal.
The seal assembly will be inspected and, if repairable, it will be rebuilt, tested, and
returned to its original condition.

All Flowserve Corporation, Flow Solutions, products must be installed in accordance with
Flowserve installation instructions. Failing to do so or attempting to change or modify
Flowserve products will void Flowserve’s limited warranty. Flowserve’s limited warranty
is described fully in Flowserve’s Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale. Flowserve makes
no warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and inno event shall
Flowserve be liable for consequential or incidental damages.