Getting started – FiberPlex VIM-0808 User Manual
Page 9

Getting Started
Setting up and using your Light Viper 1808/0808 system is a quick and simple process. Just follow these steps:
1. Place the VIM‐1808 in a rack near your signal source, and place the VIM‐0808 in a rack near your signal destination and connect AC
2. Connect and run the Fiber between the two units, and check that the Sync light status is “green” on both units
3. Connect the sends & returns (inputs & outputs) on both units.
4. Connect the analog fan out or digital cables to both units.
5. Input signals and check for audio in both directions.
NOTE: the signal output of the VIM‐1808 & VIM‐0808 on the analog outputs is line level. When connecting
this system into a console or other device, use line level inputs or engage input pads to achieve optimal
signal‐to‐noise ratio.
The more advanced functions of the Light Viper VIM‐1808/0808 (control, clocks, etc.) are addressed later in
this manual.