Using the insight options menu, Using the student computers – Faronics Insight Teacher User Manual
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Using the Insight Options Menu
Use the Insight Options menu to confgure Insight settings for the teacher and student machines.
While most of these options are accessible from the Insight toolbar, there are others that are only in the
options menu. Te following section outlines the available features for each option tab.
Insight Teacher
In the Show teacher section of the Teacher tab there are options for displaying the teacher’s screen
on student workstations. Choosing full screen means the teacher’s screen occupies the entire student
workstation screen. Windowed allows the students to have multiple windows on screen as well as the
In the Blank Screens Message section of the teacher tab enter the message to display when the Blank
Screen feature is activated. Tis message can be any text.
Using the Student Computers
Insight is confgured to run in the background on student computers. All of the functionality is
controlled at the teacher computer, which enables the teacher to control how it is used.
Insight Student Icon
On the student computer, there is small Insight icon in the taskbar. Te taskbar is located in the bottom
right corner of the computer screen.
Pausing the cursor on this icon displays the Teacher Channel the student computer is being monitored
by. Also displayed is the Insight version number as well as the IP address.
If a student single clicks on this icon they can request help from the teacher. A small question mark is
displayed in the console indicating that student has a question. Te question mark goes away when the
teacher chats with the student or uses the menu Clear Student Question.