Faronics Anti-Virus Enterprise User Manual

Page 72

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Faronics Anti-Virus User Guide



Using Faronics Anti-Virus

Click Cancel to close the dialog without taking action.

Click Clean to remove the file and close the dialog.

Action can also be taken via Faronics Core Console. For more information refer to

Viewing and

Taking Action on Quarantined Files.

Scanning a File or a Folder via Right-Click

Files or folders (single or multiple) can be easily scanned for a virus. When Faronics Anti-Virus is
installed on a workstation, the Scan for Virus option is added in the right-click menu.

Complete the following steps to scan a file or a folder on the computer:

1. Right-click on the file or folder.

2. Select Scan for viruses.

The scan is performed and the results are displayed.

View Scanning History

Complete the following steps to view the scanning history:

1. Go to Start>Programs>Faronics>Anti-Virus Enterprise>Faronics Anti-Virus Enterprise.

Alternatively, you can double click on the Faronics Anti-Virus icon in the System Tray.

2. Click the History tab.