General overview – Digital Alert Systems R194 User Manual
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General Overview
The R194 is an eight-channel on-screen composite videotext character generator
that can overlay characters onto program video during EAS alerts. Alert audio also
replaces program audio for each channel. Video loop-thru connections are all BNC
type. Audio loop-thru connections are all pluggable screw terminals. Control is by
standard RS-232 signaling using DB9 type connectors. Up to 32 R194’s can be
daisy-chained together to allow EAS service to as many as 255 individual analog
channels from a single Monroe EAS controller.
During EAS alerts, data, audio trigger, and audio inputs received from the R189
One-Net, EAS Encoder/Decoder, are used to automatically create a videotext
message and override audio signals. When activated, the EAS videotext and audio
signals are passed to the system’s distribution equipment. At the conclusion of an
alert, the unit returns to normal function.