Digi-Star TMR Tracker (EZ loader) User Manual

Page 4

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3. Normally, this screen consists of 2 or 3 parts; at the left panel an overview of the feeding periods

and mixers and in the centre panel all groups with feeding data is shown. In the right panel, the
actual Mixer Loads have been composed. The left panel may not be visible in case of a single mixer
& single feeding situation, then only 2 panels are available. Before sending the data to the USB
drive, you can check a number of things.

• Check load composition: Press the expand or collapse button in front of a mixer load to view

which deliveries are in the load. Use the expand all

or collapse all

buttons to control the

grid with a single mouse-click.

• Feeding Order: Move groups up / down with the arrow-keys


. Don't forget to save the

feeding order if you want to re-use this order the next time:


4. Before sending the loads, you'll have to set Communication Settings. Press the button 'Settings' in

the left bottom to open the communication-settings screen. On the tab 'Communication', complete
the configuration (com-port setup for USB drive). Press Ok to return to the 'Send Data' screen.

5. Press the 'Send All Loads' button to send the data to the USB drive. After sending the data, you

can close the screen and continue with the feeding process.

Hint: During your first days, it may be comfortable to print the load sheet (Print Preview) and use it
as a backup in order to get acquainted with the Indicator menu.