Daktronics DBH-150 User Manual
Page 10

RF Tuning/Maintenance
There are two ways to tune the remote and the hoist
assembly so that they synchronize. The first method is
through reprogramming the remote using the remote
interface plug (Figure 3) in conjunction with the
Copy Module #700PROC pendant (Figure 4) next
to the batteries. The second and less time consuming
method is through using the remote itself next to the
antenna receiver to program the receiver to respond
to the remote’s transmitting signal.
A. To program the receiver to respond to a
specific remote, first ensure the remote and
receiver are of the same model, and
operate on the same frequency band by
opening up the remote and receiver and
ensuring their frequency crystals match.
B. Place the remote as close as possible to the
receiver to avoid unnecessary interference.
C. Turn off the receiver’s power supply, then turn
it back on. Because the receiver is fed power
through the hoist itself, turn the hoist
assembly on and off.
D. Within 4 minutes of turning the Daktronics
Banner Hoist back on, press and hold the
STOP button. Continue holding and then press
and hold the DOwN button. While holding
the previous two buttons press the UP button
4 times, and release all the buttons when the
red LED light on the remote flashes. If done
correctly the remote and receiver on the hoist
should be synchronized.
E. It is possible to program multiple hoist receivers
to respond to one remote I.D. through this
programming method.
F. If the remote programming data has become
corrupt or access to the hoist receiver for
optimal remote synchronization is restricted, use
of the Copy Module #700PROC can allows
copying the programming data of one remote
into another remote, allowing that remote to
work with the equipment the source remote
is programmed to work with. (Copy Module
#700PROC sold optionally.)
G. If problems continue with the remote and/or the
receiver on the hoist, consult with Daktronics,
see manufacturing contact on the inside cover
of this manual.
Figure 3: Banner Hoist Remote Interface Plug
Figure 4: Copy Module #700PROC