Dodge 2004 RS Caravan User Manual
Page 285
• Block both the front and rear
of the wheel diagonally oppo-
site the jacking position. For
example, if changing the right
front tire, block the left rear
• Passengers should not remain in the vehicle when the
vehicle is being jacked.
Jacking Instructions
1. Remove the spare wheel, scissors jack and jack-handle
from stowage.
2. Loosen (but do not remove) the wheel lug nuts by
turning them to the left one turn while the wheel is still
on the ground.
3. There are two jack engagement locations on each side
of the body — see illustration.
4. These locations are on the sill flange of the body and
consist of a pair of downstanding tabs. The jack is to be
located, engaging the flange, between the pair of tabs
closest to the wheel to be changed. Place the wrench on
the jack screw and turn to the right until the jack head is