Crest Electronics CRE57000 TRAIN ENGINEER QUICKSTART GUIDE User Manual

Page 3

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When you have done that, the locomotive’s name and road number
will appear beside the cab number.

Push the menu button twice and the operating screen will be displayed
with the locomotive name and road number on the first line, the cab
number on the second.

Ordinarily you do not have to remember the cab number, because you
can select a locomotive on the operating screen by its name and road
number. Cab numbers are only used when you use the MU menu to
group locomotives in a consist, but even there the locomotive name is
displayed. Locomotives do not have to be re-linked when added or
removed from a consist.

Because the menus are written in English rather than techie-code, it is
easy to program a locomotive and change the locomotive’s running
characteristics without referring to the manual. The running
characteristics can be changed any time the selected locomotive is
stopped. The locomotive does not have to be re-linked.