Mode 4 (multi unit remote mode) – Burst Electronics AS8x8 User Manual

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Mode 4 (Multi Unit Remote Mode)

In this mode, several units are controlled exclusively
by the serial RS232 interface. Routing of the audio
signals is accomplished by using a host computer to
transmit simple commands to set the audio outputs.
Each unit to be controlled must be given a unique ID
address to allow the host computer to distinguish
which switcher is to be controlled. A user can use the
same ID address to control multiple AS8x8 switchers
simultaneously. The command structure for Mode 4 is
identical to that of Mode 3 with the following

Setting ID Address
As stated before, channel #1 sets the Mode of the
AS8x8 and channel #2 sets the baud rate. Channel 3
and channel 4 become the ID address for an AS8x8.
Set the Mode, Baudrate, and ID address, then hold
the LOAD button during power up to set the AS8x8
into Mode 4. You must use both Channel 3 and
Channel 4 to set the ID address. The range of ID
address supported with the AS8x8 is 01 to 99. As you
can see, ideally, nearly one hundred units can be
controlled in this manor. However, with the delays
involved with sending and receiving data through the
AS8x8s, only about ten (10) units can be connected
together on the same RS232 line.

WK,## (Wake Unit ID)
This command is the first command sent to an AS8x8
set to Mode 4. This command activates the
communication between the host computer and the
switcher. The syntax for this command is WK,##
(where ## is the unique ID address, a comma (,) is

AS8x8 Audio Routing Switch