Beurer DS 61 User Manual

Page 19

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156 Lamb (pure muscle meat)

157 Oxtail

158 Horsemeat o. a.

159 Beef / minced meat (tartate)

160 Ground beef

161 Leg of beef (Schlegel)

162 Beef liver

163 Ox tongue

164 Beef (fillet)

165 Beef (prime rib, roast joint, riblet)

166 Beef (hip, silverside)

167 Beef (crest, neck)

168 Beef (top round)

169 Beef (pure muscle meat)

170 Beef (roast beef, loin)

171 Back bacon

172 Blade of pork (shoulder)

173 Pork (belly)

174 Pork (fillet)

175 Smoked pork chop

176 Pork (chop with bones)

177 Pork (pure muscle meat)

178 Pork (schnitzel meat, top round)

179 Pork, hind hock (hind knuckle)

180 Minced pork

181 Pig‘s kidney

182 Ribs of pork, braised

183 Ham, boiled

184 Leg of pork (gammon)

185 Goat‘s meat o. a.

186 Tongue of pork

Poultry and Game

187 Duck o. a.

188 Pheasant o. a.

189 Goose o. a.

190 Hare o. a.

191 Venison o. a.

192 Chicken (roast chicken) o. a.

193 Chicken (boiling fowl) o. a.

194 Chicken, roast chicken, leg,

with skin

195 Chicken, breast with skin

196 Chicken‘s livers

197 Rabbit meat o. a.

198 Partridge

199 Venison, leg

200 Saddle of venison

201 Pigeon

202 Turkey, breast, without skin

203 Turkey, leg, without skin and


204 Turkey, with skin, o. a.

205 Quail

206 Wild boar

Sausage, pâté & meat products

207 Farmer‘s sausage

208 Ham sausage

209 Beer sausage

210 Bockwurst (large Frankfurter)

211 Bratwurst (fried pork sausage)

212 Cabanossi

213 Cervelat sausage

214 Corned beef

215 Canned sausage

216 Meatloaf

217 Pork sausage

218 Frankfurter sausages

219 Rissole, raw

220 Goose liver pâté

221 Poultry sausage, low-fat

222 Pork and veal sausage

(brain sausage)

223 Chasseur sausage

224 Veal sausage

225 Calf liver pâté

226 Knackwurst

227 Smoked, rolled fillet of ham

228 Landjäger sausage

229 Liver pâté

230 Liver sausage, low-fat

231 Ring Bologna

232 Smoked pork / beef sausage

(Braunschweiger Mettwurst)

233 Mortadella

234 Blood sausage (black pudding)

235 Salami (German)

236 Ham (boiled ham)

237 Ham (smoked, rolled fillet of ham)

238 Ham, smoked (bacon)

239 Ham sausage, fine

240 Brawn (head cheese, red)

241 Pork belly, smoked

242 Bacon, streaky

243 Aspic

244 Bavarian veal sausage

245 Wiener

Fish, crustaceans and molluscs

246 Eel

247 Oyster

248 Perch

249 Blue ling

250 Bream

251 Kipper

252 Dogfish

253 Whitefish (vendace)

254 Fish fillet

255 Flounder

256 Trout (river trout, rainbow trout)

257 Shrimp, prawn

258 Grenadier

259 Hake

260 Halibut, black (Greenland halibut)

261 Halibut, white

262 Herring (Atlantic)

263 Herring (Baltic)

264 Lobster

265 Cod

266 Scallop

267 Carp

268 Catfish (wolf fish)

269 Prawns

270 Crab (crayfish)

271 Krill (Antarctic)

272 Salmon

273 Spiny lobster

274 Ling

275 Mackerel

276 Mussels

277 Rosefish, redfish

278 Anchovy

279 Sardine

280 Haddock

281 Tench

282 Plaice

283 European hake

284 Pollock (Alaska pollock)

285 Monkfish (angler fish)

286 Sole

287 Sprat

288 Turbot

289 Smelt

290 Tuna

291 Octopus (sepia)

292 Edible snail

293 Zander

Fish Products

294 Eel, smoked

295 Kipper, smoked