BECKHOFF M2400 User Manual
Page 9

M2400 Analog Output
Beckhoff I/O-System
Date : 11.06.2002
Version : 2.1
Page 9 of 9
Enabling the analog Outputs
In order to take the analog voltages from the connections, the appropriate relay of a certain
analog channel has to be selected by applying 24 VDC to the relay input F1..F4 (connector
As long as the enable input is not activated the output voltage is fixed to 0V or it can be
adjusted to a default value in the range from -1V to +1V.
The selection can be done by one of the digital outputs too, if the output is connected to the
relay input.
Each pair of contacts 1F, 2F, 3F and 4F on connector X20 provides a normally open switch
for use on sens lines (I
=100 mA, U