Balanced Audio VK-255SE User Manual
Page 7

Fuse Protection:
The circuitry of the VK-255SE is protected by the following fuses:
1. The main line fuse is located on the back panel. This fuse should be checked if the
front panel LED’s fail to light.
2. Two internal fuses are mounted on each of the two amplifier circuit boards. These fuses
have two green LED’s associated with them. Both LED’s should be lit when unit is ON and
operating properly. Failure of either of these LED’s to light indicates that the corresponding
fuse is open.
Make sure that the VK-255SE is turned OFF and disconnected from the power line
before checking or replacing fuses.
A blown fuse in the VK-255SE is an indication of a serious problem. If a replacement fuse
fails as well, no further attempts at servicing the unit should be undertaken. Please contact
the factory for professional service.
Fuse Ratings
The proper ratings for the main line fuse are as follows:
For 100-120 VAC Units:
10A 250V Slow Blow
For 200-240 VAC Units:
7A 250V Slow Blow
The internal printed circuit board mounted fuses are 10A Fast Acting type.
Factory supplied fuses should be only replaced with the same type and rating parts.
The Balanced Audio Technology VK-255SE should not require service to maintain its high
performance. In case of malfunction, if replacing fuses fails to eliminate the problem, please
direct any further service inquiries to the factory.