Baby Lock Crown Jewel (Previous Model) (BLCJ18) Instruction and Reference Guide Addendum User Manual

Page 9

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5. Move the machine to one side and trim both the
top and bobbin threads

J. Attach the clamps at each side of the quilt
1. The clamps should be attached to the quilt
back and, if needed, to the batting. The
clamps are not attached to the quilt top
2. Pull the bungee cord taut, being careful not
to stretch the backing fabric too much, and
pull down to settle the cord into the narrow
part of the opening in the frame

I. Bring the quilt top up to lay on top of the batting
1. Release the latch on the quilt top rail
a) Bring the quilt top over the top of the quilt
b) The quilt top is right side up
c) Line up the leading edge of the quilt top with
your channel lock stitching
d) You may want to place a few pins along the top
of the quilt top to keep it from shifting until you
get it anchored
e) Latch the quilt top rail
f) Turn the quilt top rail so the quilt top lays
smooth and firm