Directed Electronics D800 User Manual
Page 6

© 2005 Directed Electronics, Inc. all rights reserved
1. RRCCAA IInnppuutt JJaacckkss -- Accepts line level
outputs from head units or signal
processors at voltages between
150mV and 7.5 volts.
2. RRCCAA LLiinnee OOuuttppuutt JJaacckkss -- These pass
through RCA jacks can be used to
send the input signal to a second
3. GGaaiinn CCoonnttrrooll -- Controls the ampli-
fier’s sensitivity and is used to
match the input level of the ampli-
fier to the output level of the signal
4. SSuubbssoonniicc SSw
wiittcchh -- The subsonic filter
attenuates frequencies below 30Hz
by 24dB per octave.
5. BBaassss EEQQ SSw
wiittcchh -- Adds 8dB of bass
boost to the subwoofer when
6. RReem
moottee - Controls the subwoofer
amplifier gain, from a remote loca-
tion for ease of adjustment during
Waarrnniinngg:: DO NOT connect a level control knob from other
manufacturers to the Remote Sub Level Control of
any Directed amplifier. Even though the connectors
fit properly, the control knob and connector pin
positions may be different and the amplifier will be
7. LLPPFF CCoonnttrrooll -- Controls low pass filter
cutoff from 30Hz to 250Hz.
8. PPhhaassee SSw
wiittcchh -- 0° or 180° selec-
table for switching the phase output
to the woofer.
tronics and the lower your speaker
load, the more heat is generated.
For low impedance speaker applica-
tions or restricted ventilation instal-
lations, an external cooling fan may
be advisable.
9. Battery and ground connections to
the vehicle should be made with
crimped ring terminals of the appro-
priate size (surface area is what
counts); soldering the terminals
after crimping is also recom-
10. Due to the high-frequency MOSFET
switching power supply, filtering the
power cable is not generally
required (remember that the amp
can’t deliver full output if the power
supply is restricted). Proper
grounding of the signal source is
mandatory for the amplifier to
reach its performance peak. If the
RCA inputs are not grounded
adequately via the signal source,
electrical noise from the vehicle
may be picked up in the system.