Stereo set-up – Anthony Gallo Reference 3 User Manual
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Stereo Set-Up
The Nucleus Reference
’s speaker binding posts accept bare wire ends, banana jacks or "U"
shaped spade connectors. The dual sets of connectors might easily be mistaken for "bi-wire"
binding posts, but they are not. The top two connectors are labeled "Speaker In," and offer a "full
range" connection to the Nucleus Reference
’s woofer, midranges, and tweeter.
The lower binding posts, labeled "Sub In," connect to the Nucleus Reference
woofer’s secondary
voice coil – they’re designed to work with the optional Anthony Gallo Acoustics’ Reference
Power Amplifier. The SA amp works independently from your main amp and dramatically
enhances the Nucleus Reference
’s deep bass performance -- down to the range we associate
with full-size subwoofers. The SA amp will allow the Nucleus Reference
’s to reach 22 Hertz. For
more information about the remarkable Reference
SA Power Amplifier, see your Anthony Gallo
Acoustics dealer.
As you hook-up the cables make sure the +/- speaker connections on your receiver/amplifier and
the Nucleus Reference
are properly oriented. In other words, confirm that ALL of the
connections are positive-to-positive (red-to-red) and negative-to-negative (black-to-black) -- even
one flip-flop may result in lower bass output or compromised stereo imaging.