Getting connected, Standard dolby digital/dts receiver set-up, Directions if you are using our passive subwoofer – Anthony Gallo Nucleus Micro Ti User Manual

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Getting Connected

Stereo System Set-Up with a Gallo MPS, TR1, TR2
(or any brand of) Powered Subwoofer

Run the desired length of speaker wire between your receiver/amplifiers Left & Right speaker connectors
and the "High Level or Speaker Level In" connectors on the subwoofer. Next, run the speaker wires from
Left & Right “High Level or Speaker Level Out" jacks on the subwoofer to the Micro Ti’s.






ntt:: If you are using another brand of subwoofer with this set-up make sure it has a high pass filter

capable of blocking frequencies of 80 Hz and lower. Failure to do this can cause damage to the Micro Ti’s.

Standard Dolby Digital/DTS Receiver Set-Up

The following directions apply if you are using one or more of our powered subwoofers.

Wire the “LFE” or “Sub Out” of your receiver directly into the “line inputs” on the subwoofer(s). Although
connecting to one input of the sub will produce sound we recommend using a Y-cord to connect to both
inputs. This gives you increased input gain for the best performance. Select "Sub On" or “Both” in the
receivers "Set-Up Menu". (Menu systems and descriptions will vary by manufacturer) Next wire the Micro
Ti’s directly to the receiver's speaker terminals and select "Small Enclosure" in the receivers "Speaker Set-
Up Menu".

If the receiver has selectable crossover settings, you may want to experiment with the higher settings,
typically 120 Hz, and the lower alternative of 80 Hz. We prefer the sound with the 100 (or 120Hz) setting.

Directions if you are using our passive subwoofer.

Run the left and right main speaker wires from your receiver to the '"IN" connectors of the crossover. Next,
run the left and right speaker wires from the "HIGH PASS” or "OUT" of the crossover to the connections on
the Micro Ti’s.

Select "Large Enclosure" in the receivers "Speaker Set-Up Menu". This will allow the low frequencies to pass
into the subwoofer. If the passive sub will be your only sub, you will also want to select “SUB OFF” in the
bass management of your receiver to allow the (.1) bass track to go through the right & left channels that
feed the sub. The "Small Enclosure" setting should be used for the center or rear speakers if being
connected to the Micro Ti’s or other small satellite speakers.

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