Adept white paper, Validation and regulatory benefits, Conclusion – Adept PLC User Manual

Page 4: About adept technology

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to the operation of a robot. Most end-users require no dedicated robot training saving them valuable time and
money. The system gives end-users the complete flexibility to control how they want their robot to perform for
start up, fault recovery, teaching of locations, and manual/automatic modes of operation. Implementation of the
robot is truly left in the hands of the PLC programmer. Additionally, once an employee has programmed their first
robot they have the ability to leverage that work going forward. The ability to develop and deploy standard HMI
interfaces for operators and overall robot functionality, can be used over and over again very quickly and easily.

Validation and Regulatory Benefits

Another distinct advantage for many of using PLC robot programming is the ability to validate the robot by
simply validating the PLC. End-users in numerous market segments are required to comply with the Food and
Drug Administration’s (FDA) Title 21 CFR Part 11 of the Code of Federal Regulations guidelines on electronic
records in the United States. This code defines the criteria under which electronic records and electronic signatures
are considered to be reliable. This validation puts a stamp on the system to assure traceability. Once a system is
validated the system cannot be changed without additional validation. Previously, both the PLC and robot would
need separate validation. Using the end-user’s existing PLC means that once the PLC is validated the robot is as
well using ePLC Connect. No additional cost for validation is required because the system uses the PLC software.


Programming a robotic application using PLC robot programming can save end-users implementation time and
money and lowers the robots cost of ownership while also simplifying robotic programming. Utilizing the end-
user’s existing knowledge and equipment makes the job that much easier and also makes the decision to automate
more palatable to the end-user’s business. With ePLC Connect from Adept, manufacturers who are required
to adhere to 21 CFR Part 11 are no longer precluded from benefiting from the flexibility and productivity
enhancements provided by implementing robotic systems.

About Adept Technology

Adept is a global, leading provider of intelligent robots and autonomous mobile solutions and services that enable
customers to achieve precision, speed, quality and productivity in their assembly, handling, packaging, testing,
and logistical processes. With a comprehensive portfolio of high-performance motion controllers, application
development software, vision-guidance technology and high-reliability robot mechanisms with autonomous
capabilities, Adept provides specialized, cost-effective robotics systems and services to high-growth markets
including Packaging, Medical, Disk Drive/Electronics, and Solar; as well as to traditional industrial markets
including machine tool automation and automotive components.

To find out how your organization can benefit from the ePLC Connect, contact our sales department by emailing

[email protected]

or calling 1-800-292-3378.

A special thank you to...

MGS Machine

NACS, Inc.

EDAS, Inc.




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