Adamson Metrix User Manual
Page 10

Metrix User Manual Page 10 of 22
The Metrix Sub Soft Covers
The covers are designed to protect the enclosures when in
transport or in storage.
This Waterproof nylon fabric is durable and has foam lined padding
to protect against scratches and bumps. The cover is designed for
a pair or Metrix subs stacked on an optional wooden dolly.
The Metrix-t Flight Case
The flightcase fits 4 stacked enclosures. It is
designed for 4 Metrix-t enclosures or 3 Metrix-t
and a single Metrix W-t enclosure. The Metrix
Case Lid is designed to be removed by a
single person. It Also truckpacs easily. It’s area
dimetionsa are identical to those of the M15