Vectronics PM-30UV User Manual
Pm-30uv swr/power meter

PM-30UV SWR/Power Meter
Owner's Manual
PM-30UV SWR/Power Meter
The PM-30UV can simultaneously measure and display forward power,
reflected power, and SWR in the frequency range of 100 to 500 MHz.
Accuracy of the readings is assured because the PM-30UV features a
true shielded directional coupler. The back lit meter can also display
either peak or average power readings.
There are three different types of connectors available on the PM-
30UV. The PM-30UV has SO-239 connectors, the PM-30UVN has N-
connectors, and the PM-30UVB has BNC connectors. These
connectors are the only difference between the three different models.
Throughout this manual all three models will be referred to as the PM-
FREQUENCY RANGE: ............................... 100 to 500 MHz
POWER RANGE: ......................................... 30 and 300 W Ranges
METER LAMP: ............................................ 12 Vdc with on/off switch
OPTIONAL ADAPTER: .............................. Vectronics AC-12
DIMENSIONS: ............................................. 5.3"W x 5.75"D x 3.5"H
WEIGHT:...................................................... 1.2 lbs.
CHASSIS: ..................................................... Alodine Plated Aluminum
ON/OFF ........................................................ Meter Lamp Switch
144 ................................................................ 144 MHz Band Switch
220 ................................................................ 220 MHz Band Switch
440 ................................................................ 440 MHz Band Switch
300W/30W .................................................... Power Range Switch
PEAK/AVG................................................... Selection Switch