TabletKiosk eo TufTab a7230X User Manual
Page 94

Chapter 06: Troubleshooting
Recovering Your System with the Windows® XP Professional or
Tablet PC Edition System Restore Disc:
IMPORTANT: This process is destructive to the data stored on your
hard drive. All existing data will be lost. It is vital you back-up any files
you wish to keep before you proceed.
Step 1: Set up the required hardware:
Plug the USB keyboard and USB mouse into the USB Hub and
then plug the USB Hub into one of the USB ports on the right
side of the eo TufTab. Plug the USB DVD drive into the other USB
port on the right side of the a7230X. Make sure that the a7230X
System Restore Disc is in the USB DVD drive and that the drive
has power and is on.
Step 2: Partitioning the Hard Drive (required for a new Hard
Drive only):
If you are simply attempting to restore your eo TufTab a7230X using
the hard drive that came with your system, you can skip this step
and proceed to Step 3.
You will need to use the software that came with your new hard
drive—or another third party program of your choosing that is
designed to partition hard drives—in order to create a primary
system partition to house the restored OS.
NOTE: At a minimum, any bootable disc containing Microsoft’s
“FDISK.EXE” utility should be sufficient. If you attempt to start the
restore utility before successfully partitioning the drive, the Windows
installer will crash with a B.S.O.D. displaying a “STOP: 0x07” error.
Step 3: Booting the eo TufTab a7230X to the Recovery
1. Power up your eo TufTab a7230X Ultra-Mobile PC.
2. It will start from the DVD and automatically load the recov-
ery application.
3. Select “OK” to proceed with partition creation.