Paxton Superchargers Ford V-10 Super Duty Truck User Manual
Page 8

P/N: 4809606
©2005 Paxton Automotive
All Rights Reserved, Intl. Copr. Secured
06SEP05 v4.0 FordV10(4809606v4.0)
We look forward to hearing from you, particularly if you have any com-
ments or suggestions regarding this manual.
Due to the increased horsepower and torque generated by the Paxton Novi 2000 super-
charger, your transmission may require modification to prevent premature wear or dam-
age—especially if plan to use your vehicle in high demand situations, such as towing.
In any case, it is a good idea to consider purchasing a transmission valve body kit
(commonly known as a shift improver kit) to improve transmission performance and
durability. Several companies offer valve body kits, including TransGo Performance.
Please contact TransGo or the valve body kit manufacturer of your choice for more
information, pricing, labor involved, etc.
TransGo Performance
2621 Merced Ave.
El Monte, CA. 91733
(818) 443-4953
FAX: (818) 443-1079
This information is provided for customer convenience only. Paxton Automotive does
not endorse any valve body kit manufacturers and does not provide warrantee or service
on said products.
The 2000 Ford 6.8L V10 has several minor changes in the design of the engine.
Those changes have been included in this manual. Please be aware of the model
year of the vehicle, and follow the proper set of directions.