Monroe Electronics Electrostatic Fieldmeter - Hand Held - Model 282A User Manual

Page 3

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1. ON/ZERO Button The ON/ZERO button performs three functions ON, ZERO, and AUTO

SHUTDOWN TIMER reset in the normal operation mode. To turn unit ON press and hold the
ON/ZERO button for 1 second, then release. The display appears and the range finder LEDs begin to
flash alternately. Zeroing the unit adjusts the offsets of the meter to within 2 counts typ. or 7 counts
maximum. To ZERO unit, with unit ON, point the sensor plate away from any charged object, press
and hold the ON/ZERO button until reading stabilizes then release. As an alternative, point it toward,
but do hot touch, a known grounded surface such as the palm of your hand.. While ZERO button is
pressed the LEDs will stop blinking, only the right LED will remain lit (as viewed while reading the
meter.) During ZERO all annunciators are off, including DP.

2. Discharge the instrument Grounding (discharging) your body discharges the instrument through its

conductive case. If you are not wearing a grounded wriststrap, discharge your body by touching a
grounded metal object such as water pipe, conduit or workbench. As an alternative, place a grounded
wriststrap around the instrument itself. The shell of the front panel output jack can be used to provide
a “hard” or soft ground connection.

3. Take a reading. For voltages less than 20 kV, move the sensor plate of the instrument toward the

target surface. When the instrument is exactly the correct distance (1 inch) from the target, the image
projected by the range finder LEDs appears as a stationary circle. To read voltages of 20 kV and
higher use the distances and multiplying factors given under “Range” in Specifications. If readings
seem inconsistent measure using the ground to output jack connection.

4. To HOLD a reading. Press and release the HOLD/OFF button for less than 3 seconds. The present

reading is displayed along with the word “HOLD.” To conserve battery life the LEDs turn off while the
reading is held. To take another measurement press and release the HOLD/OFF button again. This
also resets the AUTO SHUTDOWN TIMER.

5. Turn the instrument OFF. Press and hold HOLD/OFF button for longer than 3 seconds.
6. AUTO SHUTDOWN TIMER During normal operation (not during ZERO) a blinking decimal point

indicates the AUTO SHUTDOWN TIMER is enabled. If the AUTO SHUTDOWN TIMER is disabled
the decimal point will be on continuously. Holding down the ZERO button, while unit is ON, for less
than 3 seconds resets the AUTO SHUTDOWN TIMER (if enabled.) The AUTO SHUTDOWN TIMER
is enabled or disabled by turning on the unit and keeping the ON/ZERO button pressed then toggling
the HOLD/OFF button. Enable/disable of the AUTO SHUTDOWN TIMER is indicated by the decimal
point: DP on = timer on, DP off = timer off. AUTO SHUTDOWN TIMER state is maintained during
power OFF. AUTO SHUTDOWN TIMER can be continually toggled as long as the ON/ZERO button
remains pressed, up to 20 seconds, after which the unit will turn off. A blinking decimal point
indicates the AUTO SHUTDOWN TIMER is active. During the last minute before power off ALL
annunciators will blink at a fast rate. Pressing any button will reset the timer. Timeout is nominally 15

7. Version Display With unit OFF, press and hold the HOLD/OFF button then press the ON/ZERO

button and release the HOLD/OFF button, the unit will blink the version number. For VERSION 1.02
the right LED will blink the first digit (1). The left LED will blink once indicating the end of the first
digit. The right LED will then blink twice indicating the third digit (2). Releasing the ON/ZERO number
allows the unit to return to normal operation. If the digit is zero ten blinks will be output.

CAUTION: If you bring the instrument (or any grounded object) too close to a charged surface, an
electrical arc may occur. To avoid this and take readings safely, check the voltage/distance ranges given
in Specifications. Always bring the instrument toward a target surface from a distance of several inches.
As the distance closes, watch the display to be sure that the proper distance is maintained for each
voltage range.