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User’s Guide


KLING & FREITAG GmbH Version 1.0 Seite 30 von 53

Select one of the two Line Arrays you have placed. Adjust its height, so that it is just above all
levels of the floor. Set the number of boxes to 8. Now perform an Auto Splay for all boxes
with all floor Audience Areas as the target (conventional strategy). Pay attention to exclude
the balcony from the optimization.


Copying Setups between Similar Line Arrays

In a situation where you have, for example, two Line Arrays in a stereo configuration, you may
have to make sure that they are identical. This is why the Copy Setup function exists. Similar to the
Copy Areas function between Audience Zones (§2.6), it can be performed in the following way:

The rigging must be defined for one of the Line Arrays. Then click with the right mouse button on
that Source, and select the menu item Copy Setup; then right click on each one of the target
Sources and each time select Paste Setup. A copied setup will be kept in memory until it is
overwritten by another “Copy Setup” operation.

Note that the copied information will include box count and types, tilt angles and filters along with
global tilt angle and height of the Line Array: this is all the information that has to do directly with
rigging setup. Horizontal angles and XY position will not be copied.

Setups can also be copied between Loudspeakers (§2.14): in this case, height and tilt angle will be
copied, along with all setup information internal to the loudspeaker library.

Copy the setup you created to the other Line Array.