DT Videolabs InstaCue User Manual

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Playback Tips:

InstaCue preloads and cues all clips in a Show File for instantaneous playback. This may require a
large memory footprint and may also cause Show Files to take a while to load... so more memory is
always recommended. We highly recommend that you test your machine prior to using in a show.

Set Screensaver and Sleep in System Preferences to Never (see System Settings Section).

Getting Started:

InstaCue is organized into Clips and Panels. A Clip represents an individual audio file. A Panel is a
grouping of Clips. Clips can be selected by mouse (Apple key or Option for multiple), or by
keyboard (see the Keyboard Shortcuts Section). Clips and Panels can be renamed via the Single
Clip Edit Sheet or Multiple Clip Edit Sheet. A detailed explanation of their features are in the Single
Clip Edit Sheet and Multiple Clip Edit Sheet sections. Clips and Panels can be reordered via Drag
and Drop. Multiple clips can be played simultaneously.

The basic functions of each clip are:

Take - Begins Playback
Kill - Fades out and ends Playback.
Kill Duration - Determines how long the clip fades.
Crush - Fades out and ends Playback of all other playing clips.
Crush Duration - Determines Fade Duration of other clips.
Loop - Loops the current clip indefinitely.
Curb - Lowers the Playback level of all other Clips by a percentage. (An in-depth explanation of
this feature is listed in the Curbing and Ramping Section)
Ramp - (Please refer to the Curbing and Ramping Section for a detailed explanation of this
Roll-Through - Causes the next clip to Play when the current one ends - thereby creating a sequence
of clips that will Playback in order. This sequence may be changed on-the-fly. (Please refer to the
Roll-Through Section for additional information on its usage and features).

InstaCue 1.1 Users Guide

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