Operation – DT Videolabs RecordPro User Manual
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RecordPro Users Guide
Before You Begin:
Make sure that your computer has the latest drivers installed for the capture device.
Some capture devices come with their own software. When applicable, enable or modify any
software settings before running RecordPro.
RecordPro works with any standard QuickTime compatible capture card, firewire capture
device, or firewire DV device. Please note: it is not compatible with the AJA IO, which only
functions with Final Cut Pro.
With RecordPro you can easily set up any capture device, control its audio and video
settings, and save those settings for later use. RecordPro uses the concept of tracks, which
represent a stream of data into the application. One video track and one audio track are
typically used. One audio track can carry multiple audio channels (i.e. left and right).
Selecting the Capture Location and Name:
The default capture location is the desktop. It is important to capture to a drive or disk array
that can handle the bandwidth of the capture device.
To change the capture location or file name, click Change.
After recording, a sequential number will be added to the end of the current file name.
When launched, RecordPro will revert to the last capture location and file name if the
location is still available.