Datapath VSN450 User Manual
Page 12

Command Line Interface
Wall Control has a powerful Command Line Interface to automate almost any operation including
opening layout files, changing input settings moving and maximising individual windows. The Command
Line Interface can also be invoked from batch files enabling automation at specific times.
Audio Support
Both digital and analogue audio are supported for Vision windows depending on the Vision capture card
installed in the system. Audio support allows the configuration of embedded digital and analogue audio
capture inputs.
When configured, the Carousel function automatically cycles through lists of different Vision and IP
camera inputs at set time intervals.
Video Wall Screen Order
The Screen Order function is used to configure the order in which screens appear on the desktop. This
allows the screen order to be changed without physically swapping any of the output cables between
graphics cards.
RS-232 and TELNET Support for Crestron/AMX Controllers
Control the video wall remotely from a Crestron/AMX controllers with access to the full, local Command
Line Interface. Support for RS-232 (via serial cable) and TELNET (via local network).
Multi-Language Support
Datapath Wall Control-red software is available in the following languages - English (UK & USA), French,
Spanish, German, Polish, Simplified Chinese, Russian and Japanese.
All Wall Control functionalities are covered in detail in the application online help.
Datapath Vision Software
All Vision capture cards are supplied with a powerful software application for configuring the format of the
input sources and displaying the data.
Video Streaming
DirectShow drivers for WDM Streaming driver supports the following applications, to encode, record and
stream video over networks or the Internet:
• Microsoft Media Encoder®
• VirtualDub
• Any other DirectShow encoding software
For streaming applications, Vision cards can be used with Windows Media Encoder to compress and
stream captured video. To replay the video, use Windows® Media Player.
Any application compatible with Windows® DirectShow technology can use Vision capture cards due to
their built-in WDM support.