Isdataready, Getreconstructionpercentage, Getdata – Dataman 770 Series User Manual
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Development kit for DATAMAN 770 series
Programmer’s Guide
public static extern void StartMeasurement();
Parameters: -
Return value: -
3.4.2. IsDataReady
Returns the data acquisition status.
public static extern int IsDataReady();
Parameters: -
Return value:
Indicates data acquisition status. It is one of following constants:
DATA_NOT_TRIGGERED – valid trigger event hasn’t occured
DATA_TRIGGERED – the acquisition is triggered and is in progress
DATA_READY – the acquisition is finished, data are prepared to be
transferred to computer. This transfer can be done by GetData function.
DATA_ERROR – the communication with device is broken, it is not
possible to determine acquisition status
3.4.3. GetReconstructionPercentage
Returns ratio of the measured data to measured data + interpolated data.
public static extern void GetReconstructionPercentage(out int channelA, out
int channelB);
channelA – amount of channel A, that was measured (percentage)
channelB – amount of channel B, that was measured (percentage)
Return value: -
This function works only in case, that the selected timebase uses sampling
mode (SamplingMulti > 1).
3.4.4. GetData
Transfers data from device to computer.
public static extern void GetData(out Sample data, out int length);
data – array, which contains 1048576 items of TSample type. This array is filled with
the data transferred from the device. Last transferred sample from device is written to
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