Data acqusition functions, Startmeasurement, Isdataready – Dataman 570 Series User Manual

Page 21: Getreconstructionpercentage

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Development kit for DATAMAN 570 series

Programmer’s Guide

ONOFF_ON – turns the digital shielding on

level – determines the digital shielding factor (valid values are: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32

and 64)

Return value: -

In order to make the digital shielding work correctly, it is necessary to have a stable
and well triggered signal on the input. Digital shielding prolongs the oscilloscope
response to the signal change (the higher the factor the longer the response).

3.4. Data acqusition functions

3.4.1. StartMeasurement

Starts/restarts data acquisition.

Public Declare Sub StartMeasurement Lib "m570drvdk.dll" ()

Parameters: -

Return value: -

3.4.2. IsDataReady

Returns the data acquisition status.

Public Declare Function IsDataReady Lib "m570drvdk.dll" () As Long

Parameters: -

Return value:
Indicates data acquisition status. It is one of following constants:

DATA_NOT_TRIGGERED – valid trigger event hasn’t occured
DATA_TRIGGERED – the acquisition is triggered and is in progress
DATA_READY – the acquisition is finished, data are prepared to be

transferred to computer. This transfer can be done by GetData function.

DATA_ERROR – the communication with device is broken, it is not

possible to determine acquisition status

3.4.3. GetReconstructionPercentage

Returns ratio of the measured data to measured data + interpolated data.

Public Declare Sub GetReconstructionPercentage Lib "m570drvdk.dll" (ByRef

channelA As Long, ByRef channelB As Long)


channelA – amount of channel A, that was measured (percentage)

channelB – amount of channel B, that was measured (percentage)

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