Users and layouts – CUE eCUE User Manual
Page 21

9.6.6. Users and Layouts
This part is for administration of user and their rights to use panels.
• The
Users includes the list of panels which can be used by current users. Table has two
columns Name and Layouts. Press click on line in table user will choose another user with
which he wants work. If there is no user there will be text: Empty list.
• Add user - press this button you will create new user
User name - user is known under system with this name. System differ upper and
lower case.
User password - Press this password user can access to system. System differ
upper and lower case.
Retype password - repeating password. It is because you can type wrong password
in first step.
Layouts - table of existing panels. Table has three columns: Name, File and Image.
Press click on line in table you will mark or vice versa panel for user access. If you
don’t define panels there will be text empty list (you can create panels in section
Panel layout files).
Create user - press this button you will create new user according typed parameters.
Cancel - return to previous page
• Edit user - press this button you will modify user (vide Down)
Apply changes - you can apply changes
Cancel changes - return to previous page.
• Delete user - by press this button you will delete existing user (vide Down)
User Manual eCUE
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