Description – Dynacord CL 2000 User Manual

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Congratulations! With buying a DYNACORD CL-SERIES power amplifi er you have chosen an appli-

ance that employs most advanced technology.

CL-Series power amps combine outstanding audio performance, highest reliability and operational


The audio performance of CL power amps are simply extraordinary. Optimised power supply units em-

ploying low-leakage toroidal transformers and the consistent use of Class-H technology provide exten-

sive headroom far above the stated nominal output. At the same time this contributes to a reduction in

sive headroom far above the stated nominal output. At the same time this contributes to a reduction in

weight and power dissipation.

The CL1200/1600/2000 is designed in Class-H technology, i.e. the power amp provides extremely

The CL1200/1600/2000 is designed in Class-H technology, i.e. the power amp provides extremely

fast, signal-dependent operating voltage switching, which results in doubling the regular supply voltage

fast, signal-dependent operating voltage switching, which results in doubling the regular supply voltage

when needed. Compared to Class-AB power amps, Class-H power amps generate by far less power

when needed. Compared to Class-AB power amps, Class-H power amps generate by far less power

dissipation at identical output. Consequently, reduced leakage power or dissipation is synonymous to

dissipation at identical output. Consequently, reduced leakage power or dissipation is synonymous to

less waste heat – energy is used more effi ciently. As a result, installing Class-H power amps within rack

less waste heat – energy is used more effi ciently. As a result, installing Class-H power amps within rack

shelf systems is possible with less space between appliances. In addition to that and despite offering

shelf systems is possible with less space between appliances. In addition to that and despite offering

identical output, power consumption is a lot less than in Class-AB operation.

DYNACORD CL-SERIES power amps have been designed to fulfi l even the most demanding

DYNACORD CL-SERIES power amps have been designed to fulfi l even the most demanding

requirements of touring applications. CL-Series amps are protected against thermal and electrical

requirements of touring applications. CL-Series amps are protected against thermal and electrical

overload, short circuit and the occurrence of HF/DC at the outputs. Back-EMF-Protection eliminates

overload, short circuit and the occurrence of HF/DC at the outputs. Back-EMF-Protection eliminates

the risk of the output transistors being damaged by electrical energy back-feed. The power outputs are

the risk of the output transistors being damaged by electrical energy back-feed. The power outputs are

switched via relay with a time delay during soft-start. An inrush current limiter prevents mains fuses from

switched via relay with a time delay during soft-start. An inrush current limiter prevents mains fuses from


Mechanical construction and workmanship also comply with the highest precision manufacturing

Mechanical construction and workmanship also comply with the highest precision manufacturing

standards. The rigid sheet steel chassis even resists the most wearing tour operation. Two three-speed

standards. The rigid sheet steel chassis even resists the most wearing tour operation. Two three-speed

high performance fans (off/slow/fast) guarantee outstanding thermal stability at absolute low running

high performance fans (off/slow/fast) guarantee outstanding thermal stability at absolute low running

noise. The ventilation is directed front-to-rear allowing trouble-free operation even in smaller amp-racks.

noise. The ventilation is directed front-to-rear allowing trouble-free operation even in smaller amp-racks.

The electronically balanced inputs are carried out via XLR-type connectors. Direct-Outs for through

The electronically balanced inputs are carried out via XLR-type connectors. Direct-Outs for through

connecting the audio signal are also provided via XLRM-type connectors. Input Routing allows selecting

connecting the audio signal are also provided via XLRM-type connectors. Input Routing allows selecting

DUAL (stereo) or PARALLEL (monaural) operation mode. By means of the separate BRIDGED OUT-

DUAL (stereo) or PARALLEL (monaural) operation mode. By means of the separate BRIDGED OUT-

connector and a Bridged Mode-switch, switching to „Mono Bridged“ operation is truly uncomplicated

connector and a Bridged Mode-switch, switching to „Mono Bridged“ operation is truly uncomplicated

as well. The recessed mounted dB-scaled level controls ensure reliable protection against mechanical

as well. The recessed mounted dB-scaled level controls ensure reliable protection against mechanical

damage. These particularly precise, secure to operate detent-potentiometers are located on the

damage. These particularly precise, secure to operate detent-potentiometers are located on the

front panel. CL-Series power amps provide the opportunity for retrofi tting an internal analogue signal

front panel. CL-Series power amps provide the opportunity for retrofi tting an internal analogue signal

processor board with x-over and fi lter functions.

The easily readable LED display provides a quick overview of the power amp’s current operational

The easily readable LED display provides a quick overview of the power amp’s current operational

status. The power outputs CHANNEL A, CHANNEL B and BRIDGED OUT are carried out as extremely

status. The power outputs CHANNEL A, CHANNEL B and BRIDGED OUT are carried out as extremely

durable SPEAKON-type connectors. Also located on the rear panel is a Ground-lift switch, which helps

durable SPEAKON-type connectors. Also located on the rear panel is a Ground-lift switch, which helps

eliminating ground-noise loops by separating the power amp’s enclosure from the circuit ground. In

eliminating ground-noise loops by separating the power amp’s enclosure from the circuit ground. In

normal operation, all CL-Series power amps are capable of driving loads as low as 2ohms. In Mono-

normal operation, all CL-Series power amps are capable of driving loads as low as 2ohms. In Mono-

Bridged mode the allowable minimum load is 4ohms.

This owner’s manual outlines and explains several other features of your CL-Series power amplifi er.
Please, make sure to carefully read all of it and mind the instructions.



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