Saab 2000 9-5 User Manual
Page 229

Engine oil
Oil specification:
Oil for gasoline engines is classified in accordance with the API
standard (American Petroleum Institute) into the grade classes
SH (since 1993) and SJ (since 1996). The SJ class fulfils more
stringent requirements and has a lower level of phosphorous.
These grade classes are most often combined with the corre-
sponding classes for diesel engines. The class designations for
diesel engines begin with the letter “C” (Commercial). For exam-
ple, a grade combination suitable for both types of engine could
be API SH/CD or SJ/CF.
Under ACEA nomenclature, oils are divided into Class A for gas-
oline engines and Class B for diesel-engined passenger cars.
There is a further class for heavy diesel engines. Each class is
divided into three grades: 1, 2 and 3, where grades 2 and 3 nor-
mally encompass semi and fully-synthetic oils.
In the same way as in the API system, gasoline and diesel
engine specifications are combined for products that can be
used in both types of engine. For example, a grade designation
could be ACEA A2/B2 or ACEA A3/B3.
To afford Saab engines the best protection with regard to lubri-
cation, the ability to dissolve residues and the neutralization of
combustion products, we recommend the following oil grades:
ACEA A2/B2 or A3/B3.
These oils contain the additives required for the engine to
function well. We advise against the use of further addi-
The viscosity of oil is classified according to the SAE standard.
Nowadays, multigrade oils are always used in car engines. The
properties of these oils facilitate starting the car in cold weather
but mean that the oil is also viscous enough to coat all moving
parts under high pressures and with high outside air tempera-
Multigrade oils are graded with two viscosities, e.g. 10W-30,
where the 10W meets certain viscosity requirements at -20°C,
while the 30 fulfils requirements at a temperature of 100°C.
Basic recommendations for Saab engines:
• SAE 10W-30 or 10W-40.
SAE 5W-30 can also be recommended but in which case the oil
must be semi of fully-synthetic and fulfil ACEA grade require-
ments A3/B3.
Oils which are less viscous, such as 0W/-40/50 are becoming
more common and may be used. However, the oil must be
fully-synthetic, of a well known brand, and fulfil ACEA grade
requirements A3/B3.
This viscosity makes starting in cold weather easier.
Oil capacity incl. filter (on changing):
4-cylinder ________________________
4.1 qts (4.0 litres)
6-cylinder ________________________
4.6 qts (4.5 litres)