Compass display – Dodge 2007 Magnum User Manual
Page 153

Compass Display
The compass readings indicate the direction
the vehicle is facing. Press and release the
compass button to display one of eight com-
pass readings and the outside temperature.
Automatic Compass Calibration
This compass is self-calibrating, which eliminates the
need to set the compass manually. When the vehicle is
new, the compass may appear erratic and the EVIC will
display “CAL” until the compass is calibrated. You may
also calibrate the compass by completing one or more
360° turns (in an area free from large metal or metallic
objects) until the “CAL” message displayed in the EVIC
turns off. The compass will now function normally.
Manual Compass Calibration
If the compass appears erratic and the “CAL” message
does not appear in the EVIC display, you must put the
compass into the Calibration Mode manually as follows:
1. Turn on the ignition switch.
2. Press and hold the compass button for approximately
2 seconds.
3. Press the SCROLL button until “Calibrate Compass”
displays in the EVIC.
4. Press and release the FUNCTION SELECT button to
start the calibration. The message “CAL” will display in
the EVIC.
5. Complete one or more 360° turns (in an area free from
large metal or metallic objects) until the “CAL” message
turns off. The compass will now function normally.
Compass Variance
Compass Variance is the difference between magnetic
North and Geographic North. In some areas of the
country, the difference between magnetic and geographic
North is great enough to cause the compass to give false
readings. If this occurs, the compass variance must be set
using the following procedure:
Magnetic materials should be kept away from
the overhead console. This is where the compass sensor is