Game explain, Usb disk – Lenco XEMIO-261 User Manual
Page 12

○ Online Mode
Operating steps refers to Equalizer setting.
Some operating systems (under Windows 2K SP4) can not support two
driver letters
in one USB disk.
Thus, if “Private Space” function is on, choose which disk you are going to use, i.e., “single ordinary disk”
or “single encrypted disk”, in order for correct display of selected disk after connecting to PC.
○ Memory Info.
The number displayed represents total memory capacity and the percentage refers the capacity used.
○ F/W Version
Operating steps refers to Language setting..
○ F/W Upgrade
It is specially designed for Firmware Upgrade.
Tips: After pressing Mode button to select options, you may press Play button to exit from menu
directly. The operation on Play button for direct exit is valid to all menus.
9. Game explain
There are 4 game: RusBlock, Puzzle, Sudoku, Snake.
control KEY instruction:
PRE : left NEXT: right M: circumgyrate Play: Pause VOL: fast down.
PRE: left NEXT: right Play: Down VOL: Up long press M: Quit
PRE: left NEXT: right VOL: Up Play: change the number from1 to 9 M: confirm
PRE: lest NEXT: right M: Up Play: Down
10. USB Disk
The player supports standard USB disk function with operating system of Windows98 (driver needed),
Windows 2K and above (driver free), Mac OS 10.3 and above, Linux Redhat 8.0 and above.
The player supports power supply through USB. At Standby Mode, press Mode to quit to main menu, then
select to enter desired mode.