Draper 220V User Manual
Installation/operating instructions

Installation/Operating Instructions
220V Signature/Series E & V Electric Projection Screen
These instructions are meant as a guide only. They do not imply any
re spon si bil i ty on the part of Draper, Inc. for improper in stal la tion or faulty
work man ship at the jobsite.
Screen has been factory set and should not require further ad just ment. How-
ever, if you wish to change the “up” and “down” stopping po si tions, proceed as
CAUTION: Be sure all switches are in “off” position before adjusting limit
switches. Always be pre pared to shut screen off man u al ly when new ad-
just ment is being tested. Screen may be se vere ly damaged if viewing surface
is al lowed to run too far up or too far down.
Adjusting “Fully Up” Position—“Up” stopping position may be adjusted by
turning the yellow llimit switch adjustment socket. The yellow socket is located
on left end of screen roller and is ac ces si ble to a screw driv er/Allen wrench
(4mm or
").Turning the socket coun ter clock wise will allow the viewing sur-
face to retract further into the case. Turning it clock wise will cause the surface
to stop further out of the case. One full revolution of the socket will alter the
stopping position of the viewing surface by ap prox i mate ly 3.8 cm.
Adjusting “Fully Down” Position—“Down” stopping position may be
ad just ed by turning the white limit switch adjustment socket. The white socket
is lo cat ed on the left end of screen roller and is ac ces si ble to a small fl at
screwdriver/Allen wrench (4mm or
"). Turning the socket coun ter clock wise
will allow the viewing surface to run farther down. Turning it clockwise will
shorten the viewing surface, causing it to stop in a less extended position. At
no time should viewing surface be unrolled enough to expose any part of the
screen roller.
Please note: See page 2 for information on adjusting Tab-Tensioning cables
on Signature/Series V screens.
Copyright © 2006 Draper Inc. Form Signature220V_Inst06
Printed in U.S.A.
These Installation/Operating Instructions are available in the offi cial
language of the country where you purchase the product. Please contact your
distributor to request a copy.
Vous pourriez demander les instructions d’installation et d’opération
traduises dans la langue offi cielle du pays ou vous achetez le produit. Veuillez
demander à votre distributeur.
Die Gebrauchsanweisung für Installation und Konstruktion sind in der
offi ziellen Sprache des Landes, indem Sie das Produkt gekauft haben,
vorhanden. Fragen Sie die jeweilige Verkaufs-Abteilung.
➀ Read instructions through completely before proceeding.
➁ Follow instructions carefully. Installation con trary to instructions
➂ Entire bottom of screen case should be unobstructed to permit proper
operation of automatic trap door, and access to bottom panel for
making electrical connections or servicing.
➃ Screen should be installed level (using a carpenter’s level).
➄ Nothing should be fastened to screen dowel, viewing surface or
automatic trap door.
➅ Operating switch(es) is packed separately in screen carton. Do not
discard with packing material.
➆ Screen operates on 220V, 50 Hz. current.
NOTE: Screen has been thoroughly inspected and tested at factory and
found to be operating properly prior to shipment.
Hanging Screen
When locating viewing surface and checking clear ance for screen’s operation,
remember that the surface is centered in case. Screen is normally recessed
above ceiling and may be installed in a variety of ways. See details on back of
this sheet. Regardless of mount ing method used, the following points apply:
➀ Screen should be positively and securely supported so that vibration or
even abusive pulling on viewing surface will not weaken installation.
➁ Installer must insure that fasteners used are of adequate strength and
suitable for the mounting surface chosen.
➂ Entire bottom of case must be readily accessible after installation.
➃ The hinge that connects bottom panel and automatic trap door of screen
must be permitted to operate freely. Front and back of case must be
straight—not forced to warp or bow. Hinges must be free from mastic or
paint buildup, and doors must be unobstructed by ceiling tiles.
➄ Do not use screen case to support adjacent sections of ceiling.
➅ If trim pieces must be attached to case, do not permit screws to protrude
more than 6.35 mm through 3.2 mm wall of case. Do not attach trim pieces
➆ If case is painted, slots on bottom of case should be shielded to protect
viewing surface from paint splatters or overspray.
➇ Do not seal unit in ceiling until electrical connections have been made and
screen has been operated successfully.
Electrical Connections
Screen operates on 220V., 50 Hz., 1 ph. current. Junction box is located just
above the access plate at left end of screen. Access plate is held closed with
fl at head screws and may be opened with a Phillips screwdriver. (Au to mat ic
trap door does not need to be opened to make fi eld con nec tions.) Re mov al
of access plate exposes ter mi nal strip, per wiring di a gram on reverse. Screen
is shipped with internal wiring complete and control switch(es) fully boxed.
CAUTION—Important Instructions—Signature/Series V—The shipping
sup port brack ets must be removed from each end of dowel during initial op-
eration before screen is operated in UP direction. After screen is installed, run
viewing surface DOWN to access screws that hold brackets to dowel. Loosen
hex head screw, remove bracket and retighten screw at each end of dowel.
Signature/Series E—The protective paper wrapping around the viewing sur-
face must be removed before the screen is op er at ed in down direction. Cycle
view ing sur face down and up several times to con fi rm sat is fac to ry op er a tion.
If viewing surface or trap door do not operate properly, turn power off and free
trap door and/or check electrical con nec tions.
220V Single Sta tion Con trol—3-position UP-OFF-DOWN switch per mits
op er a tion to be stopped at any point. Factory set limit switches au to mat i cal ly
stop screen when fully down or fully up.
220V Multiple Station Control (Not CE Approved)—Switches are similar in
ap pear ance to Single Station Control. Screen stops when switch is re leased
and may be re start ed in either direction. Factory set limit switches stop screen
au to mat i cal ly when fully up or fully down.
24V Control—Three-button UP-STOP-DOWN switches stop at any point
desired, operate in any sequence. Factory set limit switch es au to mat i cal ly
stop screen when fully up or fully down. Wireless controls—whether infrared
or radio frequency—interface with low voltage control box.
Key Operated Switching (Not CE Approved)—Two kinds of key-operated
switches are op tion al ly available with this unit.
➀ The key-operated power
supply switch controls power to the screen and switches. When it is “off”,
the switches will not operate screen. Key may be removed from the switch in
“on” or “off” position.
➁ A three-position key switch permits the screen to be
op er at ed directly by key. In this case, the screen’s operator must have a key.
RS232/Ethernet—Serial communication and network communication
optionally available with wall switches, RF or IR remote.
Wire connecting screen to switch(es) and switch(es) to power supply should
be furnished by installer. Connections should be made in ac cor dance with
attached wiring diagram, and wiring should comply with National and local
electrical codes. All operating switches should be “OFF” before power is
If you encounter any dif fi cul ties installing or ser vic ing your
Signature screen, call your dealer or Draper, Inc. Spiceland,
Indiana, U.S.A., (765) 987-7999, FAX (765) 987-1689, or e-mail to
[email protected].