Lenco PA-1500 User Manual
Page 9

USB Sockets: Connect an USB device (up to 32 GB) to the MP3/WMA files.
There are 2 sockets, USB 1 (left) and USB 2 (right).
Equalizer: Adjust the levels of the low (bass) / middle / high (treble) tones for
the master output.
Mic Level: Turn to the left to decrease the microphone output volume. Turn to
the right to increase the volume.
Jingle level: Turn to the left to decrease the jingle output volume. Turn to the
right to increase the volume of the jingle.
Master: Turn to the left to decrease the master output volume. Turn to the
right to increase the volume.
Voice changer: Set this switch in ON position to activate the voice changing
function. When this function is active your voice will be changed when
speaking through the microphone. Set the switch back into off position to
deactivate the voice changing function. See 13 for the voice changer effects.
Mic tone: Turn it clockwise for more treble and less bass, turn this knob
counter clockwise for more bass and less treble.
Voice changer selection knob: Set the voice changer effect from down pitch
-3 “DN3” to higher pitch +3 “UP3”. There is also a robot voice function “ROB”.
USB Vol 1: Turn to the left to decrease the USB 1 output volume, turn to the
right to increase the volume.
Cross fader: Control the level of the audio signal from USB 1 and USB 2 to
the master output, and in reverse direction to the head-phone output. For
When the cross fader is for 100% at USB 1 you will hear USB 1 for 100% over the master
output and USB 2 for 100% over the headphone.
When the cross fader is for 75% at USB 2 you will hear USB 2 for 75% and USB 1 for
25% over the master output. Over the headphone you will hear USB 1 for 75% and USB
2 for 25%.
Output power indicator (USB1): The left column is the pre-fader level of
USB1. When the red LED is on you need to adjust the volume/gain to avoid
unwanted distortion or damage to the speakers.
Talk over: Set this switch in ON position to activate the talk over function.
When this function is activated all audio (except the microphone output) over
the master output will be muted when the microphone is used. The audio over
the headphone continues as normal. Set the switch back into off position to
deactivate the talk over function.
Jingle: Set this switch in ON position to activate the jingle over function.
When this function is activated all audio (except the jingle output) over the
master output will be muted when a jingle is played. The audio over the
headphone continues to play as normal. Set the switch back in off position to
deactivate the jingle over function.
USB Vol 2: Turn to left to decrease the USB 2 output volume. Turn it to the
right to increase the volume.
Output power indicator (USB2): The right column is the pre-fader level of
USB2. When the red LED is on you need to adjust the volume/gain to avoid
unwanted distortion or damage to the speakers.