Denon DVD-1500 User Manual

A Remarkable World of Visual and Sonic Beauty
from DENON’s Latest Digital Technologies
The DVD-1500 DVD video player lets you enjoy both video and musical programs in a single unit. The beauty of the visual
images is reproduced from DVD discs by the video circuit section which employs a 27-MHz, 10-bit video D/A converter. The
audio circuit section, which recreates the beauty of the sound recordings, uses a 24-bit, 96-kHz audio D/A converter. You will
marvel at the depth of detail and the dynamic power of the sound you hear from DVD sources. The DVD-1500 also features a
disc tray loader that has been strengthened to minimize vibrations and preserve the superior quality of the visual and sound
experience. The aluminum front panel of the DVD-1500 adds an air of elegance to the high quality of the DVD atmosphere.
DVD Video Player
24-bit, 96 kHz Audio D/A Converter
The DVD-1500 uses a highly accurate multi-bit Sigma Delta D/A con-
verter with superior dynamic range and S/N characteristics. This con-
verter provides plenty of support for the demanding 24-bit, 96-kHz sam-
pling signals of the DVD-Video format. The incorporation of a differential
circuit in the output stage and other features of the D/A converter ensure
that playback sound is of the highest quality possible, the normal expec-
tation from DENON’s acclaimed digital technology.
Newly-developed Disc Loading Mechanism
Vibrations from the disc loading mechanism detract from the quality of
video and sound output. The DVD-1500 has thus been equipped with a
disc loader that has been reinforced to protect the signal from vibrations
and ensure optimum quality in playback.
PCM, Dolby Digital and DTS Digital Output
24/96 PCM Digital Output Capability
10-bit Video D/A Converter
The 10-bit video D/A converter section reproduces video images
more faithfully and in greater detail than conventional 9-bit processing.
This high-performance converter lets you enjoy the best DVD picture
possible, ideal with today’s high performance video monitors and large
screen displays.
Color Component Video Outputs
The DVD-1500 provides color component video (Y, C
, C
) outputs
that provide the best reproduction of fine color detail with today’s high
end video monitors and large screen projectors that feature compo-
nent video inputs.
This connection method provides the best video quality, compared to
“S”-video and composite video connections.
On-screen Display
A simple press of the Display button on the remote controller lets you
see the current operating status of the DVD-1500 within an easy-to-read
display on screen. The various operations and settings are easily changed
using the remote controller while monitoring the screen display.
Advanced Digital Servo
High performance in reading pit information on the disc and in digitally
processing that information improves the quality of the picture and
sound that are reproduced.
The DVD-1500 features a new servo DSP integrated circuit with a
learning algorithm that has been optimized for such fluctuating factors
as readings from the disc and digital processing to ensure further
improved performance. Automatic adjustments by the servo preserve
the data integrity of the signals being reproduced.