Operation - the front panel display inter face, Music stores – Naim Audio HDX User Manual

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Network shares may be stand-alone network attached
storage (NAS) drives or shared folders on a computer
attached to the network. The HDX-SSD will automatically
identify network shares and, if they are enabled, allow the
audio files they hold to be browsed and played.

Refresh All Shares:

Refreshes the status of all network

shares. If a large number of network shares is present, this
may take some time.

Add New Share:

Enables the manual addition of a network

share. Normally the HDX-SSD will automatically identify
network shares but if a share fails to appear in the Manage
Shares list the Add New Share routine may be used.


Audio files stored on network shares and protected

by Digital Rights Management (DRM) that restricts
playback to specific hardware may not be available to
play via the HDX-SSD.


Network shares can be converted to become “Music

Stores” where ripped CD data is stored. A Network Share
nominated as a Music Store will no longer appear in the
network shares list but will appear in the Music Stores list.
Any audio files it already contains generated by a process
other than NaimNet Server or HDX-SSD ripping will not be
available to the HDX-SSD. See the following paragraphs for
more on Music Stores.

4.8.4 Music Stores

Music Stores are the locations where ripped CD data is
stored and can include multiple nominated Network Share
locations. Selecting

Music Stores

opens the Music Stores

menu to provide options to

Manage Stores


Add New



View Backup


Add Backup







, and



Manage Stores:

Displays a list of connected or previously

connected music stores and their connection status. Red,
orange and green indicators describe the status of each
music store: Red indicates


, orange indicates


and green indicates



Music Stores can be raised or lowered in priority or
removed from the list through






buttons. Their


can be displayed and their Password

and Lock


can be modified.

Operation - The Front Panel Display Inter face

Newly ripped CD data will be stored on the Music Store
at position 1 in the list. If that store is full or unavailable,
the data will be stored on the next available store with
sufficient free space.


Files should never be added to or deleted from

Music Stores via an alternative computer operating system.

Add New Store:

Initiates a routine that enables the

creation, naming and password protection of new Music
Stores. Music Stores can only be created from existing
empty Network Shares.


Individual Music Stores may be locked to prevent

ripped data being stored. If the primary Music Store is
locked, the next in line will automatically be used to store
newly ripped data.

View Backup:

Shows details of the currently active backup

location(s). An option to remove backup locations is also


The default HDX-SSD daily backup schedule is

automatically implemented as soon as a backup location
is added. The backup schedule can only be modified via
the Naim Desktop Client PC application and the n-Serve
OS X application.

Add Backup:

Enables an empty Network Share to be

nominated as a backup location.


Only empty Network Shares can be nominated as

backup locations.

Storage Format:

Enables WAV or FLAC formats to be

selected for existing and newly ripped CDs. The default
HDX-SSD setting is to rip CDs in WAV format. FLAC can be
selected as an alternative to offer reduced file size but
may result in subjectively less good sound.

Choosing an alternative format to the one currently
selected will begin the process of converting the existing
files in all HDX-SSD music stores to the new format. Even
with a relatively small number of ripped CDs the conversion
process can take a significant amount of time. The process
however has no impact on HDX-SSD performance and can
be halted when incomplete if desired without any ill effects.


File format conversion can be managed on a file by

file basis with the DTC or n-Serve for OS X applications.

MP3 Library:

Enables MP3 format copies of ripped music files

to be created. The MP3 copies can be used for playback
applications where the reduced file size is advantageous;
portable music players for example. Four MP3 conversion
quality options are provided, each one broadly appropriate
to different playback hardware: 320kb for hi-fi systems,
224kb for personal audio players, 160kb for televisions
and and 128kb for mobile phones. MP3 file size falls with
decreasing conversion rate, however audio quality will also
reduce. Once created, MP3 copies are stored in the LQ
folder located in each HDX-SSD music store.

Music Stores

Manage Stores

Add New Store

View Backups

Add Backup

Storage Format

MP3 Library

Encoding Queue