Salut, Installation, Controls & operation – Xaoc Devices Moskwa User Manual
Page 3

Thank you for purchasing
this XAOC Devices product.
We are extremely proud to
introduce such a versa-
tile module: a compact,
fully self-contained step
sequencer with a handy set
of features. We believe it
is a great addition to any
system, no matter the size
or purpose. We hope you
enjoy this module as much
as we do.
Unplug your modular system
from the power source first.
Clear a 20 hp space in the
euroack cabinet, and plug
the power connector into the
busboard so the red band
points right towards the
–12V rail (usually the lower
one). The module is protected
against incorrect connections
such as reverse polarity but
it is best to pay attention to
the orientation of the power
cable both at the module and
the busboard. Tighten the
supplied mounting screws
and you’re ready to go.
Caution–do not remove the
jumper from the EXPAND-
ER header! Instructions for
connecting two Moskwa
sequencer units via the
Ostankino expander module
are found in the Ostankino
operator’s manual.
Each of the 8 steps consists
of a CV tune knob
a gate pushbutton
mutes/unmutes the step.
Also, you can set gate
length by holding down
corresponding pushbut-
ton for about 3 seconds,
then releasing it. While
the pushbutton for STEP 1
is always set to provide a
standard trigger impulse (5
ms), the others provide divi-
sions of the gate length. For
example: holding the STEP
8 button will provide a full
gate, while holding STEP 4
will give you 1/2 gate, etc.
On release, buttons momen-
tarily light up to confirm
your choice.
There are 3 red knobs in the
central area of the module.
The top RATE knob
the clock speed, providing
the sequence tempo. The
RESET knob
, on the left,
adjusts the sequence length;
and the SLEW knob
activates/adjusts a smooth
portamento effect (you
will probably want to turn
this off when patching a
The POLARITY switch
in the upper-left corner of
the panel converts Moskwa
from a traditional se-
quencer (UNI mode) to a
sophisticated modulator (BI
mode). In unipolar mode,
the tune knob for each step
ranges from 0V (counter-
clockwise) to 10V (clock-
wise). Bipolar mode ranges
from -5V (CCW) to 5V (CW),
with 0V at high noon.
The PLAY MODE selector
in the upper right has three
options: standard (STD)
mode is a traditional, clock-
wise looped sequence. Pen-
dulum (PND) mode plays
the sequence forwards then
backwards, and random
(RND) mode plays them in
no particular order.
The sequence can be
started/stopped, reset, or
changed direction with the
, and PAUSE
voltage inputs in the lower-
left section of the panel.
These expect trigger or gate
signals, and can be used to
produce complex melody
variations very easily.
If you prefer to use an exter-
nal clock source, simply feed
it to the CLOCK IN jack
the lower-right.
There are two voltage out-
put jacks. Typical patches
will route the CV OUT
to the oscillator and GATE
to some kind of
envelope generator, but of
course you are limited only
by your imagination.