Pg. 5 – Wyred 4 Sound mINT User Manual
Page 7

pg. 5
Front panel operation
The mINT is very simple to operate from the remote or front panel. A power
button with an illuminated ring light is located on the lower right portion of the front
panel. When the mINT is plugged in and the rear power switch is in the “on” position
the ring light will be green. To turn the unit on press the power button on the front
and the ring light will then change to blue.
There are 5 input select buttons on the front located on either side of the
volume knob. To change inputs simply press desired input button or use the remote
control to scroll through the inputs. The mute button is located on the front of the
unit as well as the remote control and can be pressed at any time to silence the
speaker outputs or the headphone output. The volume knob has a position indicator
and with one turn the mINT can be adjusted from minimum to maximum output.
The LED brightness level can be adjusted by using the following procedure:
1. Put the unit in standby by pushing the power button located on the
front panel. (Standby is indicated by a green illuminated ring light)
2. First press and hold the mute button in, and then power the unit on
from standby by pressing the power button.
3. Once the unit is on you can release the mute button. Press the mute
button to toggle through the brightness settings which will be
previewed by the LED that is lit.
4. When you have found the setting that you prefer turn the unit off
using the power button on the front to apply it.
Special note: Fixed Out/Main In and Aux 2/HT bypass are each selected by a 2
position switch. We will define “In position” as when the switch is pressed in and
the button is nearly flush with the back of the unit. The “Out Position” will be
defined as when the switch is in the extended position and not flush with the back
of the unit
Aux 2/Home Theater Bypass
The mINT can be easily integrated into your Home Theater system when
using the selectable HT bypass. The switch to activate HT bypass is located on the
right side of the rear panel. When the switch is in the “out position”, Aux 2 is a
standard analog input. When the 2 position switch is in the “in position” Aux 2
becomes the HT bypass input. If this is your desired function of the Aux 2 input it can
be left in this position. When HT bypass is in use the signal from your processor (or
equivalent device) will pass through the mINT at unity gain bypassing the volume