Optimizing the system – Wisdom Audio Sage Series P38 User Manual
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Optimizing the System
A Wisdom Audio loudspeaker system is just that: a system, designed to provide
the highest calibre of performance, in the widest variety of possible settings. As
such, simply connecting all the wires does not mean the system is optimized.
The SC-1 System Controller manual has the pertinent details on precisely how
to use it to optimize the performance of the system. For the purposes of this
manual, a quick overview of the process is sufficient.
Tell the SC-1 which speakers are in the system
The software application that configures the SC-1 for your specific system
has a series of menus that allow your installer to designate which model of
Sage loudspeaker is used in each channel of the system. This allows you to
mix and match freely, based on the best speaker for a given location.
Measure the room
Your installer will use a calibrated reference microphone to accurately
measure the performance of each speaker at multiple locations in the lis-
tening area. This process ensures that the entire listening area is optimized,
rather than optimizing only one location at the expense of others.
Select an appropriate target
Large and small rooms have intrinsically different traits. The room correc-
tion software allows for these characteristics to be taken into account for
superior results.
Calculate the necessary room correction
The software then uses the power of the PC to calculate the correction
filters your room requires, and downloads them into the SC-1 for you to
Listen and save the result
You can listen to each set of correction filters prior to deciding whether
it meets your expectations. Once you are satisfied, you can permanently
save the results to the SC-1 (eliminating the need for the PC).
This process can be repeated if necessary, and a total of up to three indepen-
dent setup memories can be saved for different needs. For example, you might
want different setup memories for different conditions such as drapes open vs.
closed, or perhaps different target curves for different content (music, movies,
gaming). Each of these setup memories can be saved to the SC-1 and then se-
lected as needed, with from the SC-1’s front panel, or via RS-232 and a control
system your installer would create for you.