Flight – Windtech tempest User Manual
Page 8
best glide is obtained with 50
-With around +25 km/h of head wind, best glide is obtained with 75-100
When flying downwind (wind from behind) the best glide is obtained between 0% brake
and 10% of brake.
The TEMPEST is a DHV 2 accelerated but using the accelerator system close to the
ground is not advisable & it should be released as soon as turbulent air is encountered.
Note that the glide angle is not affected by the wing loading, but that the security is.
Always fly a glider that is the correct size for you, and remember that if your flying weight is
below the stated minimum, the speed range will diminish and inflation problems may appear.
Also the handling will degrade in turbulent conditions, and it will be easier to sustain collap-
ses. If your flying weight is above the stipulated weight range, this will result in a higher mini-
mum speed and faster landing speed and the stall speed of the glider will also be higher.
The TEMPEST has a brake of medium
weight resistance (from 1.5 to 3 kg of
force) for the majority of manoeuvres.
To reach the stall (never recommended
on any type of paraglider), requires
more than 9kg.
> flight
Each and every glider has a checklist
note passed though our strict quality
control in the factory. This included line
measurement, ground inflation and
flight testing. Contact your distributor
for more information about this, and if
your glider has not been pre-inflated
ask him to do so for you. Every glider
should be test flow before it is sold.
Note that each glider has a unique stic-
ker attached to the centre airfoil with
the serial number, type of glider, size
and weight range.
We recommend that your first flight on your new glider be on a gentle slope in calm con-
ditions before making your any further higher flights, just to check the glider and for you
to get used to flying it. We also recommended that you use a harness that has an ABS
cross strap system.
For you own safety, we strongly recommend the use of back protection, helmet and
Wind-SOS reserve.