Certification, Best glide – Windtech syncro User Manual
Page 7

pulleys. The riser karabiners, also called "Maillons Rapide", are made with stainless steel
of 800 Dan. Risers are made of pre-stretched polyester of 900 Dan.
> certification
The SYNCRO is a paraglider of a high intermediate level that has passed the tests of the
DHV level 2-3 with great success. This glider has successfully passed the DHV shock test
with a weight equal to the maximum total (all up) take-off weight. This means that the
paraglider is certified to resist to a load of 8 (eight) times the gravitational acceleration
(8 G´s).
As regards the weight range of the glider, ALWAYS be certain that you are within the
correct weight range of the glider. To fly under-weight or over-weight can adversely
affect the stability of the SYNCRO & flown as such it will no longer be a certified gli-
> best glide
Best glide in nil wind, and still air, is obtained at “trim” speed- that is brakes fully relea-
sed and no accelerator (speed bar) applied. It is always best to fly with a light pressure
on the brakes, keeping a “feel” on the wing in case of unexpected turbulence.
When flying into (against the) wind a better glide can be obtained by using the speed
system. The following is rough guide line as to
how much to apply.
-With around 10 km/h of head wind, best glide
is obtained with 25% accelerator applied.
-With around 15-25 km/h of head wind, best
glide is obtained with 50% accelerator applied.
-With around +25 km/h of head wind, best
glide is obtained with 75-100% accelerator
When flying downwind (wind from behind ) the
best glide is obtained between 0% brake and
10% of brake.
accelerated but
using the accelerator system close to the
ground is not advisable & it should be released
as soon as turbulent air is encountered.
Note that the glide angle is not affected by the
wing loading, but that the security is.
Always fly a glider that is the correct size for