Windtech kinetik User Manual
Page 10

ask them to do so for
you. Every glider should
be test flown before it is
Note that each glider
has a unique sticker
attached to the centre
cell with the serial num-
ber, type of glider, size
and weight range.
We recommend that
your first flight on your
new glider be on a gen-
tle slope in calm condi-
tions before making any
further higher flights,
just to check the glider
and for you to get used
to flying it.
You should use a harness that has an ABS cross strap system and the maximum width
possible for the chest strap is 38 cm between karabiners.
For you own safety, we strongly recommend the use of back protection, helmet and
Windtech WindSOS reserve.
-- inflation and take off
A paramotor launch is always more complicated than a free-flying (without paramotor)
one. More weight, the thrusting force of the wing, different position of the risers, acce-
lerator throttle in one’s hand, etc, makes this usually the most difficult part of a para-
motoring flight.
One has to bear in mind that a failed launch could result in the lines getting caught in
the propeller, breaking not only the lines but also the propeller itself, and in the worst
case could result in injuring oneself, or a bystander. For this reason it is very important
that you should not launch your paramotor in the vicinity of other people, and you
should always make sure that no one is near enough to sustain any injury from your
launch attempt. This could be either directly, for example from you colliding into them,
or indirectly, from flying debris blown up from the ground behind you from the thrust of
the engine, or from flying debris from a damaged propeller.
The pilot needs to always be very thorough and methodical with carefully preparing their
equipment and doing all of the required pre-flight checks, using a clear and complete
checklist. Always allow ample security margins to make room for any error, especially