Wheather to fly – Windtech coral User Manual

Page 11

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part of the leading edge of the glider, which can sometimes cause a front 'horseshoe' or
'rosette-ing' of the glider, or even a complete 'blow-out' of the whole canopy in extre-
me situations.

When flying, a front tuck may occur while leaving a strong thermal, or more often while
using the speed system in turbulent air, or sometimes whilst flying down-wind of ano-
ther paraglider & being 'waked' by the wing tip vortices of the glider and turbulence
wake turbulence of the pilot.

Remember, the pilot can learn to help stop collapses by flying 'actively', but if a front
tuck does occur it will easily clear itself. Re-inflating the wing can be helped by correct
pilot input and, once the glider is overhead, symmetrically applying 40 % of both brakes
& then releasing immediately will get pressure back in to the glider and speed up the
recovery. Do not brake when the glider is behind you, as this can stall the wing, but wait
for the glider to come forwards above your head, then brake.

> landing

Choose a large field clear of all obstructions & in a clean laminar wind flow.

A different technique is needed for different wind strengths. Every landing should be jud-
ged differently even if it’s your local site.

On final approach the pilot should have hands up (keeping a feel of the wing in case of
unexpected turbulence) so the glider has energy for a flare. In light or nil winds the pilot
will need a committed symmetric flare at around 1 meter above the ground.

In stronger winds less of a flare is needed & the pilot must judge this for himself through
practice & training from a qualified instructor.

The flight is not finished, and the pilot is never fully safe, until the glider is safely con-
trolled on the ground.

Avoid letting the glider land on the leading edge. If the glider lands with force on the
leading edge it is possible to burst the inner cells and walls of the wing and you should
carefully examine the wing for any damage to the joining of the ribs (cell walls) to the

> wheather to fly

If in doubt about the weather and flying conditions, do not launch! Before going flying
you should check the weather forecast & always ask more experienced pilots about the
conditions expected for the day. Never fly if there weather conditions are unsuitable,
especially with any of the following present or even threatening: Strong wind; Rain;
Thunderstorms; Cumuli nimbus; or Cumulus congestus. If you are already in the air then