Flying in turbulence – Windtech bantoo User Manual
Page 10

Before you take off, lay out the bantoo in a slight arc. Always do all of your pre-flight
checks (lines, maillons, risers, harness buckles, etc). Carefully observe all of the details
that relevant to your launch (tension in the lines, windsock, obstacles, etc).
You mustn't start the run either too slowly, or too fast, but you must always make the
run decisively and assuredly to ensure that the wing carries the weight of you and your
passenger. When the bantoo comes up above your head, give a gentle check on the bra-
kes to stabilize the wing and establish a perfect tension across the glider and lines ready
for the take-off run.
thermal flying
The best and most interesting
flights, even better when made
with company, are those flying in
thermic conditions, and all pilots
want to experiment and experien-
ce the wonder of flying in ther-
mals. The bantoo is blessed with
superb handling and manoeuvrabi-
lity, which means that you don't
need a lot of brake to turn it, and
by using the outside brake to con-
trol the airspeed of the outer wing,
you can flatten the turn and climb
exceptionally well and efficiently.
Thermic flying conditions can
make flying much more challen-
ging and difficult. Only the most
experienced pilots should fly in
strong thermic conditions. There is
always a degree of associated tur-
bulence in thermic conditions, and
when the pilot encounters turbu-
lence they must fly "actively", with
precise brake input and weight-
shift, ideally with collaboration
from the passenger as well.
In the case of extreme turbulence, so long as you haven't got big-ears in, as a rough guide
fly very actively with around 30 per cent brake.
> flying in turbulence
--asymmetrical tuck / collapse
An asymmetric tuck / collapse is when part (one side) of the wing (say 20% or anything
up to 90% of the span) tucks or collapses, usually induced by turbulence but sometimes
also though poor pilot control in turns and wingovers.
The bantoo is tested and certified to automatically recover without correction by the pilot
with a maximum direction change of 90 degrees of turn, but with the correct input the pilot
can minimise any turning, and height loss, and help the glider recover more quickly.