Operating manual, Connections / wiring – Wharfedale Pro KMD7 User Manual

Page 10

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Connecting the KM Series to your system is easy.
You simply plug in the microphone cable to your
mic and then to the mixer. Always use good quality
microphone (2 conductor + shield) cable. After you
plug in the mic, you must adjust the sound level to
produce the best sound. A good place to start is the
the first channel of your mixer, or the section the
drums mics plug into. Its a good idea to group like
instruments to allow easy gain adjustments.

Plug the mic in and position the volume control at '0'
(zero) dB. Keep the main output volume down as well
as the amplifiers' volume control. Whilst watching
the meters, speak, play the instrument, beat the
drums in the same sequence you have plugged them
into the board or sing (it's always good to warm up
your voice) into the mic at the same level of your
performance and adjust the GAIN control, usually at

struck by wild drummers as this can result in a very
loud "crack" through the PA! The KM-3 is a great
over head Mic and the KM-1 & KM-2 are your all
purpose mics. You can use them for vocals, acoustic
instruments (winds, brass, strings,etc.) and drums.

Next adjust the MIC trim output so that the meters
are at the ‘0’ (zero) position most of the time, or at
the loudest part of your performance. This takes time
and practice to get the best sound.