VAC Standard LE User Manual
Page 5

Page 5
Front Panel Controls:
Although most of the front panel controls (Volume, Power, Mute) are self explanatory, VAC
has outfitted this unit with several advanced features which bear further description:
Phono Section MM (option): When fitted, input “L6" will be connected to a discrete, pure
tube phono preamplifier, providing 37 dB of gain, suitable for use with MM (moving
magnet) and many high-output MC (moving coil) cartridges. Your VAC dealer can
recommend the proper phono cartridge(s).
Phono Section MC (option): As above, this will be fitted to “L6", and provides
approximately 60 dB of gain. It should not be used with high output pickups, which may
generate excessive distortion. Your VAC dealers can recommend the proper phono
Monitor: The small knob found at the lower left-hand corner of the faceplate switches
between “Source”, “Tape”, and “Cinema” (home theater pass-through mode). In the
“Source” position, input selection is determined by the Source Selector Switch. In the
“Tape” position, the Source Selector is overridden, and the Tape inputs are activated.
[Important: The Standard Preamplifier is outfitted with a full “tape loop”, including a line
level tape input and a fixed level recording output. In addition to driving the recording
inputs of a tape deck, this output can supply signal to any typical line level input, enabling
it to control a second zone in multi room installations.]
The “Cinema” position provides access to one of the Standard Preamplifier’s most unusual
feature. When set in the “Source” position, input choice is governed by the Input Selector
switch. This is the normal setting, and enables the unit to be used as a typical preamplifier.
Rotating the control clockwise to the “Cinema” position bypasses all preamplifier controls
(including volume) and passes the output from your surround sound processor (i.e., the front
left- and right-channel outputs of a multichannel processor) directly to your power amplifier.
In this case, the users’ analog stereo sources would be connected, as usual, to the line, phono
and tape inputs. A/V inputs (DVD, Laserdisc, DSS, etc.) would be connected to the home
theater processor, and the processor’s main outputs would be connected to the pair of rear
panel RCA jacks labeled “Home Theater Direct”. When the control is set to the “Cinema”
position, the Standard functions as a pass-through ONLY, and is controlled by the external
processor, preamplifier, or other component connected to the “Home Theater Direct” inputs.
Mute: On units without remote control, this is a two position switch. In the “Mute” position,
signal is blocked from leaving the preamplifier. Note: Mute is automatically engaged when
switching on units equipped with the remote control option.